NY: Salary Threshold Exemption Increase


New York: Salary Threshold for Exemption to Increase December 31, 2018

New York’s salary basis threshold for exempt executive and administrative employees will increase on December 31, 2018.

The increase is part of amendments to the state’s minimum wage orders, which were adopted in 2016.

Epstein Becker Green has provided a complete list of increases, which include the following increases for New York City:

  • Large employers (11 or more employees)
    • $1,125.00 per week ($58,500 annually) on and after 12/31/18
  • Small employers (10 or fewer employees)
    • $1,012.50 per week ($52,650 annually) on and after 12/31/18
    • $1,125.00 per week ($58,500 annually) on and after 12/31/19

Employers are required to increase the salaries of qualifying employees by the end of the year in order to retain these exemptions.

For more details on the salary threshold exemptions including a detailed list of increases, please click here.

The information included in this blog post originally appeared in an article from Epstein Becker & Green, P.C. on November 12, 2018, written by Jeffrey H. Ruzal and Nancy Gunzenhauser Popper.

salary changes

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